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Specialization of: Business Agility

User-Centered Design

Designing with a focus on the needs of users in each phase of the process.

User-Centered Design is a framework of processes (not restricted to interfaces or technologies) in which usability goals, user characteristics, environment, tasks and workflow of a product, service or process are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process. It is iterative in nature, and it begins with the identification of the problems to be addressed. Solutions are then envisioned, planned and tested on the very individuals to whom the problem to be solved is afflicting. 

Design is a broad concept that permeates many aspects of our lives, involving product design, sound, virtual reality, interaction, cars, video games, software interfaces, and the interior of homes and offices. It doesn’t focus purely on aesthetics, nor is it about adding ornaments to an item. First and foremost is it about making the user’s interaction with the environment more natural and complete.

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